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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Have submitted my revised draft of "Battle's Tide" for the "Clan of the Claw" shared universe. Turtledove, Stirling, myself, Ringo and Nye. Alternate pre-history (Bronze Age).
Imagine a world where the Chicxulub impact never happened, and the dinosaurs continued to evolve, while mammals developed alongside them.
Imagine them at Bronze Age levels of technology, 5 million years ago when the Mediterranean flooded.
When the felinoid mrem must fight the saurian liskash for territory, pitting tribal dance magic against psionics, and tactics against mass.
So when you come across the cheerleading tigers with spears, that's mine.
Specifically, bagpiping, jazz breakdancing, cheerleading six foot tigers with javelins, spears and fighting claws.
Lizard. It's what's for dinner.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
"The Weapon", a book focusing on the struggle between an increasingly
restrictive world government and a colony based upon libertarian (some
might say anarchic) philosophy, was published in late 2005. It's author,
Michael Williamson, maintains that he thought he had been writing
fiction when he wrote this (emphasis mine):
"If it's not in your training, don't try to do anything in case you make
it worse." No one is allowed surgical tools, weapons or {b}fire
extinguishers{/b} in their homes or cars because "such things are best left
to professionals."
And yet here we are, a bit more than half a decade later, and this triumph
of the Nanny State now comes from Great Britain.
Fire extinguishers could be removed from communal areas in flats
throughout the country because they are a safety hazard, it has emerged.
The life-saving devices encourage untrained people to fight a fire
rather than leave the building, risk assessors in Bournemouth decided.
Mike Edwards, who lives in one of the blocks, said he was 'absolutely
staggered' that risk experts thought it a safe decision.
'They are worried we will point them in the wrong direction or use the
wrong extinguishers,' he said
Oh ... "The Weapon", published by Baen, may be found here
http://www.webscription.net/p-463-the-weapon.aspx but you should
probably read it's predecessor "Freehold"
(http://www.webscription.net/p-162-freehold.aspx) first.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
We've got about $106,000 coming in this year, and if we buy all the guns I want, a new car, pay the mortgages and utilities, upgrade some stuff and hire a landscaper it will only cost $275,000, so I told Gail I'll cut the budget by $400 and not buy another GLOCK. We'll borrow $50,000 to pay the landscaper and the interest on the mortgage, and figure our daughter will pay it back when she's 18.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
With the gracious and expert help of Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore, we are starting the advance order for "Rogue." This is the first hardcover edition, and comes with a tipped in (glued) sheet printed by Baen, and signed by me. These will be cover price of $24, plus any shipping. You may pick up your copy at the store for no additional charge if you wish.
Uncle Hugo's is one of the stores monitored by the New York Times Bestseller list, so copies here count toward my sales rank for that. Just think, you'll be able to tell lesser personages that you correspond, drink beer, or even shoot guns with a New York Times Bestselling author.
In the checkout, you may also mention in the "instructions" how you'd like it personalized, and I'll try do that at the store, when I drive up in September for the release. I can't promise to get to them all, but will try my best, and of course, I can always handle special defacement at conventions or other personal meetings.
This means you'll have limited edition, personalized proof that a NYTBA actually knows your name, calls you by it, and has something particular to say, not just, "to my good friend," as the cliche goes. Your inscription might read, "You still owe me a beer from LosCon," or "I like Glocks, too, but I prefer the 1911," or even something cryptic such as, "NOTHING!!!" (You know what that means if you are who it's meant for.)
I'll also try to have some extra goodies on hand for those in the area, and may slip some into the books, time and quantity permitting.
You also get to add yet another rabid right wing, meat-eating, unPC gun nut to the roster of bestsellers. When Armageddon happens, which authors do you want on YOUR side?
Click now, click often!
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