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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
What about a top-rated expert in allergy and asthma?
What about my doctor, Dr Garrick Hubbard, who has brought my lung function back to almost 100% of what it was before I deployed, and reduced my acquired environmental allergies by about 90%?
Sounds like he's pretty knowledgeable about these things, right?
So today, when Jess and I went for our recurring treatment, rather than a waiting area for people who are absolutely "At risk," we went straight into a treatment room and waited there for the standard 30 minutes after our shots.
And then we left through the lobby and doors as we always do.
Non-treatment patients (those just being tested) waited in the waiting area, the way they normally do.
No freakouts, no shutdowns, no "only one person can enter at a time" like some alleged doctors are doing. No "rescheduling" of immunizations at pediatricians.  Just a slight bit more social distancing, for ACTUAL AT RISK PATIENTS.
Be like Dr Hubbard.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
A paraphrase of Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy is that bureaucrats will ALWAYS go to far.
We started with "two weeks of restricted events." Tough, but bearable, and a good idea. I supported this.  It was a personal bite to me on my part time gig--a show was shut down literally as I arrived to load in. Okay.  Let's do this.  Then a bigger one had to postpone because they're 1 day into the existing timeframe, no exceptions, no "let's see if that's enough by next week."
Then the states got into a "We're more quarantine than you!" war.
Blah, blah, the CDC.  Per them, no woman of child bearing years should EVER even look at a bottle of liquor, no two people should ever kiss without a doctor's exam first, and we should all live in plastic bubbles.  There's hypothetical perfection, and then there's reality, which has kids playing in mud and licking slides others have slid down.
Instead, we have schools closed, possibly for the year.  Gyms closed. All public events shut down. No, wait, maybe no more than TEN people at a time is better.  No sports.  No spring break. No parks!
So what are all these out of school kids supposed to do?  Who stays home to watch them if (we're lucky, most aren't) people can't work from home?
Now the goddamned pediatricians are saying well, we can't give your kids their immunizations because of disease. We'll have to "Reschedule."  Are you TRYING to give the anti-vaxxtards ammo?  Because THIS is how you give the anti-vaxxtards ammo.
The OB-GYN said they can only see single patients without their infants along, figure it out somehow.
Um...why are senior citizens going to pediatricians and OB-GYNs? If they're not, then why not advise the elderly that you're going to be out in public, so Grandma shouldn't visit this month. If you live in an area where it's been an issue.
"This bug kills old people!" Yes, and others at risk. Like me. Who should stay home.
"But people will die!"  Jesus, that sounds like Liz "Psychogawea" Warren.
This is literally creating the End of Western Civilization As We Know It over a fucking bug.
"But people will die!"
Then they fucking die.  There's a cost benefit analysis here.  After enough lost revenue, wages, activities, people stop giving a shit.  If they die, they die. Most of them are urbanites anyway, smug in their myth of "efficiency."  They can fucking die efficiently, and be efficiently processed into dump trucks.  You may have heard this motto if you hang around rural folk for a bit:  Five million fewer urbanites is five million fewer urbanites.
And again, those of us who are susceptible should be minimizing contact anyway.  You cannot develop herd immunity for the rest by not having herds. We'll come back to that.
Some shithead on Medium (so called because it is neither rare nor well done) lamented we may "never" beat...an upper respiratory infection.  Like the 10 million strains of URIs we already have, many of which are... (CUE DRAMATIC MUSIC!)--coronavirii, of different strains. This one is already mutating into subcultures.  Which still have more "culture" than your typical city.
And guess what?
Everyone is going to the fucking store. In herds.
BTW, around here, the pussification of yuppies meant they'd cleared out the lowfat and no fat and soy "milk," but left the real whole milk. Please don't tell them that diluting it 50% with water will create their preferred tasteless, nutritionless white drink.
Then, restaurants are still doing delivery...which means the same Uber driver stop at 5 restaurants and 5 houses 3 times a night, along with 12 other Uber drivers, and a hundred random pickups.  This is like avoiding VD by skipping the fetish club and only going to singles bars. It's a fuck-all security theater move.  We call this "Wetting your pants in a dark suit."  It gives you a warm feeling, but nobody notices, and then you realize you're the one suffering.
It is time to mobilize to beat this.  Call your mayor, call your governor, call your president, tell them to stop being a huge pussy, to go fuck themselves, and then get on with the real world.
Oh, and Trump? Yeah, if you could stop being a massive faggot, that would be just great.  Tell the CDC to STFU, Americans have a world to run.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
EDIT: Thanks. I'm sending a check for $1600 and change as soon as the paypal funds hit my bank.  Any donations still inbound are going to a friend who's beyond destitute. I'll take that up later.  If you haven't sent money on this, please hold off or give it to someone else in need.
EDIT: The gentleman was overwhelmed.  I'm glad we could turn his horrible weekend around the next weekend. Thanks to all.
I try to avoid publicizing my own charity, because I feel it cheapens the act to boast of it.  Well, I'm not boasting here. I'm asking for a little assistance.
Here's the person and the event:
Last week, my family and I were in Florida for research, including a SpaceX launch (SF writer here. Of course that's research).
Between the site tour and the launch, we had a couple of hours, but not enough to go back to the hotel. We (two families) took all the kids to a McDonald's Playplace to burn off steam.
While we're seated, a man and his son came in. The gentlemen displayed symptoms of frustration, possibly of Tourette's, and struggled with the order kiosk, with some repeat gestures and tics.  His son tried to help him order, and eventually an employee came over. It seems it was frustration in not finding his favorite meal, which had been discontinued.  Note that he was quiet and non-aggressive, just internally frustrated.
They get food, they sit across from us, and a few minutes later, a police officer shows up. Someone had called about "Signs of distress."  The officer was very professional, checked his ID, and the man was entirely lucid and clear during the process.  That done, officer leaves.  Well and good.
Obviously, having your stressful evening aggravated by a police call is even more stressful.  He had a family member show up, I presume his brother, and they took turns going outside to smoke, and spending time with the boy, about 10, who didn't seem at all troubled by his adults, but bothered by the attention they were getting.
For a couple of minutes, the boy was alone while the adults were smoking and taking a bathroom break, and that's when this humorless, middle-aged busybody, the kind who likes intruding in people's lives, comes over with staff to point out the "abandoned boy" and how they should "Call child services."
We made sure the staff were aware the adults were on the premises, and they encouraged her back to her seat and to mind her own damned business. How dare anyone who doesn't fit the middle class stereotype be in her presence!
I should note there was a pile of food on the table with the young man, though he didn't have much of an appetite by this point.
So here's the kicker: Jess had taken Alex out to the car to nurse, and calls to ask if I still have my cash, because some teens outside were bragging about "finding" $200 in the bathroom.
Yup, I have my cash, but guess who'd just been in the bathroom? That's right. The gentleman everyone was obsessing over, who'd just left, picking up his son for a big cuddle on the way out. Adding insult to injury, he dropped the boy's ice cream cone from a physical tremor.
I go to the bathroom and strategically placed on the trash can is his wallet, containing his ID and a bunch of pictures of the boy. And no cash. I guess the punks "found" the $200 in his wallet.
I handed the wallet to the manager as we left. 
So after the fact, I contacted the local police and they helped me get contact info with the man's family. Yes, he was a local handyman, and had just finished some work and been paid cash.
Well, I'm about to send $250 to this guy the universe decided to take a dump on last Friday. If anyone reading this today would like to chip in, I'll send that, too.
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- Written by Michael Z Williamson
Oh, don't worry. The virus probably won't kill you. Your stupid behavior, however...
"It's just the flu."  Well, it's a virus.  So it's sort of like the flu, the way people are sort of like penguins because both are animals.  In actuality, at its mildest, it's "just" a common cold.  However, you might want to ask the post-Columbian Americans about unique strains of the common cold. At its worst, it's severe pneumonia. It's also very infectious with few obvious symptoms during the transmission stage. But it is not the flu, anymore than I'm an Adelie.
"ZOMG WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!"  No, we're not. You're an idiot.
"Nothing is going to happen. It's just the flu." See above. You're also an idiot.
"The government now has complete control of the health care industry, colleges, and all public venues!" Not all of them, but they had control of most of them for a long time. We tried to warn you. And if you don't want to live in a nation of laws, why don't you go live in Somalia?
"I didn't want the government to have control of my life. This is why we need socialism!"  Please just kill yourself right now. You are a worthless failure.
"It's no big deal, it only kills old people."  Yeah, screw Grandma. No one likes her anyway. Are you actually listening to yourself?
"The rich elites are drinking brandy and laughing at how they manipulated us."  Right, because destroying a chunk of their own worth with the shutdowns is HILARIOUS. And what rich people do, apparently.  That's how they got rich.
"Does anyone actually KNOW anyone who's sick with this 'virus'?"  Yes.  And let's refresh prehistory for millennials (anything before 1970): the Spanish Flu in 1918 killed 50 million people.  By responding to this EARLY, we prevent that.  You don't wait for zombies to swarm outside your door before planning to react to it. Well, not if you have the brains the zombies crave.
"When it's all over, you'll feel stupid."  Right. Remember Y2K?  One pack of idiots insisted cars would stop running because they didn't know what date it was. Another pack insisted nothing at all would happen, dates didn't matter. In between, a few thousand IT people went through everything that might be affected by a date irregularity and hardened it. It was "nothing" because we planned ahead.  Hopefully, proper prior planning preventing piss poor performance, this will be "nothing." Which doesn't mean it couldn't be as bad as the Spanish Flu.
Oh, yeah-referencing Wuhan is just that: a reference to this particular strain and its Patient 0 point.  It's not "Racist" to say "it came from China." Claiming they INVENTED IT would be racist, but it provably came from there.
No, it doesn't matter what the demographic makeup of the President's advisory council as, AS LONG AS THEY ARE THE BEST PEOPLE FOR THE JOB.
Ironically, we actually have probably the ideal president for this particular issue. Trump the businessman was able to explain to banks, medical firms, megacorps how the short term loss of taking it on the chin for the consumer is longterm goodwill and economic recovery.  Zer0 the Fuckup couldn't have grasped the terms, much less explained them.  Nor could Shrillery the Hildebeest. And as for Bernie, socialists are incapable of grasping economics or they wouldn't be socialists.
"OMG! How are we supposed to plan for this?"  The same way you plan for anything. There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet.  What was the other lesson in that other movie?  DON'T PANIC.
You don't need to make Milk Sandwiches. Why do you buy a dozen of each during EVERY event?  I was on my way to get a loaf of bread that lasts me a month. Well, not this time.  Luckily, we know how to make bread, suckers.
Look, if you buy your TP in bulk and restock as it gets low, you never need to worry about this. Besides, there's lots of copies of the NYT, USA Today, Dianetics, and Fifty Shades books available cheap. You're not going to run out of toilet paper.
Buy a few extra cans of food every week and rotate them through your stocks--just get a whole flat of something once a week. Potatoes. Vegetables. Soup. Tomato sauce. Chicken. Tuna.  Beef stew. Pretty soon, you have a month's worth of food on hand. Not thrilling, but edible. Same with dry goods like noodles, sealed crackers, peanut butter in large jars, etc.
I'm sitting here with 50 odd rolls of TP, several hundred cans of food, 3 deep freezes of animal corpses (from our livestock and the store, including about 50 lbs of bacon and 10 of salmon), shelves atop them loaded with MREs, crates of our own freeze dried meals, and a pantry full of dry goods. The zombies will be eaten by bugs and carrion eaters before we run short.  If you just approach it methodically, it's very attainable even on a tight budget.
Then you can join me as I walk through the store and snicker at the rubes.
In the meantime:
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