At least not for anything "meaningful." That shit is contagious.

Three examples:

First is a fellow immigrant from the UK, a bit older than me. I came here as a teen, he was an adult.  He came here for the same reason my family did--the inflation, the taxes, the national insistence on treating Brave New World, The Wall, 1984 and The Prisoner as handbooks, and the shitty National Health Service.  All Hail the Labour Party.

So then he shacks up and eventually common-laws an American liberal who voted for Bill Clinton because he was "so handsome."  Now he's a registered Demorrhoid, endorses socialized medicine, votes for candidates who promise to raise taxes, and is all in on the Labour Party's poorer cousin. He hasn't fallen for gun control yet, or immigration, but he's got life ahead of him. (EDIT: He now thinks green tip 5.56mm should "require some sort of license" because "it shot all the way through a car."  Sure. So does .308. So does .375 Holland and Holland. So does a hot 12 gauge slug. And this guy has professional training in physics.)

The second used to be a major sponsor and moderator of one of the world's largest firearm fora.  Then, you guessed it, he stuck it in a liberal chick. Now he wails about defensive shootings with comments like, "This is not a win for guns. If there were no guns at all, this never would have happened."  Well, true, in a fantasy world where you can make guns go away. Of course then, strong people like me, with bad attitudes unlike me, beat the shit out of pudgy little faggots like him, take their valuables and their women.  Then he went on that there's no reason to ever punish a child. Just explain to them rationally, and if they're too young, spanking them is "torture."  Well, I think in the long term they'll appreciate a spanking over repeatedly playing with a socket until they get zapped. The first is far more controllable than the second, and as you noted, a logical explanation doesn't work at a certain age.  Nice black/white world (oops, is that racist?) you liberals live in.  And he's all in on how AGW can actually make things colder.  BTW, his degree is not STEM, but his liberal wife says so, so he agrees, if he wants that sweet, sweet, liberal pussy. (I've seen her and what she types. It cannot possibly be that sweet, and I've had no trouble finding sexy, STEM-educated conservative and libertarian women).

And the third IS STEM-educated, formerly managed a major tech magazine, and bounced out of a low spot with a "fairly liberal" woman who turns out to be full Trump Derangement Syndrome/Russian Hackers/Show Me The Birth Cert...I mean Taxes!, etc. And now he's all about how Occasional-Cortex is "Brilliant."  And there is no one in either party who thinks that THOT is "brilliant" or they wouldn't have all voted against her Green New Deal (Green on the outside. Red and seedy on the inside).  Seriously, the retarded cockholster was literally unaware that aircraft are utterly necessary for many things, and can't even name the three branches of government. But his socialist wick-wetter likes her, so he damned well better say so if he wants to keep wetting it.


There's a cure for some forms of cancer. For Demorrhoids, there is only helicopters.

Stories like this puzzle me, because I understand that "liberals" are innately more logical and sciency than the rest of us, as they constantly remind us.  But I read this article:

And I'm struck by several things:

"Near a school." Immediately, they're trying to reach for fear factor. They offer no evidence that anyone at the school had been threatened in any fashion, was at risk in any fashion, or that the person who lives "near a school," as millions of people do, had given any indication of the school being relevant. They also don't say how near.

"were not bump stocks or parts intended to build bump stocks."  They've spent so much of the last two years on pantshitting hyperbole that an inanimate plastic stock literally MAKES A RIFLE WORSE THAN A MACXHINE GUN!!111OMGWTFBBQ that they have to actually specify that this is an actual full auto conversion.

“These parts are capable of producing, of altering a firearm, into making an extremely dangerous weapon,” King said.  Wait. Even MOAR dangerous than the "bump stock" mentioned above?  How is this possible?!?!?

Olympic Peninsula Narcotics Enforcement Team (OPNET) has been investigating the transaction with assistance from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), formerly federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which alerted local authorities to the delivery.  What the fuck do the drugfags have to do with a firearms investigation?

"The residence is located between the Sequim unit of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula and Sequim High School."  "Between."  We still don't know how near, do we?  And still zero suggestion of any evidence that any attack was intended.  This is just literal THINK OF THE CHILDREN! hyperbole.  Technically, this is known as "bullshit."

"King, who would not identify the man, said a family, not including school-age children, live at the home and that the parts were acquired online." Remember to be afraid of families without children, and the internet!  (The comma is optional.)

"The FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives are not involved in the investigation." So, wait, the only federal agency that can actually tell the court whether these are or are not legally full auto conversion parts is not involved?

"King said OPNET has no information that other conversion kits have been delivered in Clallam County." So there's literally nothing here other than some guy MAY HAVE ordered full auto conversion parts from China, and depending on how the ad was worded, may or may not have known they were conversion parts, not just other, perfectly legal trigger mods (Because Chinese eBayers always use proper English and technical descriptions).  Further, we don't know if he intended to use these to have fun at the range, prepare for the inevitable collapse of society due to global warming, kill communists, assassinate politicians, or shoot up a school.  And only one of those is morally wrong.

“[Principal Rebecca Stanton] decided in an abundance of caution to restrict everyone’s movements,” Madison said. PANTSHITTING UNLOCKED!

SUMMARY: Some guy may or may not have ordered parts that may or may not have accelerated his Glocks, and may or may not have ill intent.

And even if he did, converting a pistol to full auto is a great way to make a lot of noise very expensively. Though a Glock can be slightly more effective at it with a wrist brace.  But it's still a piss-poor excuse for a machine gun.


Paul Brunton
I picked up "Tide of Battle" at the local library. I normally peruse the new book section and just see what catches my interest, thought I would give your writing a try. OK, here's what happened...1 page into the book, "He and Dad nailed timbers and plywood to make another tree house , in the thick lower limbs of a larch." really?? I cut logs for 20 years and have spent much of my 66 years in and around the woods, and am yet to see "thick lower limbs of a larch" that are even mildly appropriate to support a tree house. Sorry to say, I am such a narrow minded bonehead that I could not keep reading.....


Dear Narrow Minded Bonehead (as you correctly identify yourself):

Well, I have to say, this is quite amusing.

I could note that the larch is often used to represent the Nordic Pagan World Tree, and is a very popular wood for house building in that part of Europe, and thus the scene is a metaphor for "home" and the world and the character's climb increasingly high until he reaches space.

I could note that "timbers" are referenced, which can imply the structure is supported from the trunk, and is only amongst the limbs, not braced on them, which is a common trick for treehouse building.

But the fact is, if you're that over-sensitive, some other thing would set you off, and if one minor quibble over a single word at the beginning of one story makes the entire collection unreadable, I wonder how you can read, watch, or listen to anything produced.

You must be a blast at parties.

Comments at the end, though I don't think any are really needed.

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